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4. Electromagnetic Radiation and Electromagnetic Interference
The detector use bilateral transceiver technology, therefore, any electromagnetic
interference sources and electromagnetic radiation source is not allowed to close the
detector. The recommend minimum distance is 0.5m to 4 m, and actual distance will
depend on environment and sensitivity.
The electromagnetic interference sources
and electromagnetic radiation sources are
as follows:
Electrical Control Box, Radio Equipment,
Interphone, Electronic Computer And
Peripheral Equipment, Video Monitor, High Power Motor, Power Transformer, Ac
Power Lines, Thyristor Control Circuit (High Power Switching Power Supply, Inverter
Welder), Engine, Motor etc.
Tips for working in line
When installing the detectors in line, the distance between two walk through metal
detectors cannot be less than 50cm. Specific distance parameters according to the
actual environment and sensitivity level.
Can not install the detector in windy place
It would cause false alarm if the detector swing in the wind during working.