- SEQ(SEQUENCE): In the live with one channel selected, press this button to view channels
according to the CAMERA_SEQUENCE value.
4.5 Numeric Buttons
Press these buttons to select a channel, enter the password or the network IP in the live or
playback mode.
4.6 Direction Buttons
- UP: Press this button to move the cursor upward. This button raises the camera in the PTZ
mode and switches channels in the playback mode.
- DOWN: Press this button to move the cursor downward. This button lowers the camera in the
PTZ mode and switches channels in the playback mode.
- LEFT: Press this button to change the setting in the menu. This button turns the camera to the
left in the PTZ mode and slows play speed in the playback mode.
- RIGHT: Press this button to change the setting in the menu. This button turns the camera to the
right in the PTZ mode and accelerates play speed in the playback mode.
- OK: Press this button to apply the selected item.
4.7 IR Reception Terminal
- This terminal receives IR data from the remote controller.
4.8 Jog/Shuttle
-JOG: Use this button to view stored images one by one in the forward or reverse direction.
-SHUTTLE: Use this button to fast-forward or reverse the video.
4.9 USB Port (2EA)
- The USB port is used to back up videos or captured still images on the HDD.