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Fall-back mode (local mode):
PT-1500GD terminal support working in cells in fallback mode (disconnected from the rest of
the system) indicating this situation to the MMI user.
The Terminal avoids registration in fall-back cells unless there are no ot her available cells.
Services available in this mode will depend on system configuration.
Consult your supplier for other available services and special options.
GPS receiver (Option)
The PT-1500GD may incorporate an internal GPS receiver that enables you to know its exact
location at all times.
Of the terminal has this option, you can access this information from the menu
GPS/Loc info
The current location position is displayed on the screen. When the GPS module gets a valid
position, the text will be shown.
In addition, via programming, you can configure various parameters for sending the GPS
position to a central application which will manage this location information. Consult your
service supplier for details on how to configure your terminal for this service.