Master Clock and Syncing
Word Clock of digital audio is distributed throughout whole Dante Network from a clock master.
There is one
and only one device can distribute the master clock in the whole Dante network.
The NBB-1616
breakbox by default starts up itself as slave device and to be synced by the clock extracted from the Dante
network. It can, however, be automatically elevated to be a clock master if there is no clock master in the
network. From the Clock Status tab of Dante Controller software, you can identify which device is elevated to
as clock master in the Dante network.
Setting Examples for Yamaha & Soundcraft Consoles
For an application with a digital audio console in the Dante network, you may want the console to be a clock
master. I.e., the console internal clock clocks the Dante interface of the console, and then the Dante interface
of the console distributes master clock throughout the Dante network. If this is the case, you can simply
configure the Dante interface of the console to be clocked by the internal clock of the console by enabling the
SyncToExternal option in Dante Controller software. The Dante interface of the console will then be elevated
to a clock master automatically. Below is an example of configuring the Yamaha MY16-AUD Dante interface
card to be clocked by the internal clock of the console itself via Dante Controller software,
Please be notified that only one Dante interface of a console can be set to SyncToExternal if there are more
than one consoles in the network. All the other Dante interfaces of consoles should be instead synced to the
clock from Dante network. And you should also go to the setup pages of these consoles and manually
configure the word clocks of these consoles to be synced to the clocks from Dante interfaces respectively.
Below is an examples of setting of source of word clock for Yamaha LS9 digital console. The left one shows
the word clock of the console is synced to the internal clock of the console itself so that the console itself
become a clock master; while the right one shows the word clock is synced to the MY16-AUD Dante interface
card in the console so the console itself is no longer be a clock master.