Typical Deployment and Application:
Digital Snake
Two NBB-1616s can be paired to work as a digital snake. Simply connect them with a
Ethernet cable and long press the P2P Pairing button on the rear panel of any one the devices, the input and
output channels of each device then be automatically and sequentially routed to the other device in one-to-one
basis. With expansion box, you can even consolidate 32x32 channels totally to be transceived in a single
Ethernet cable.
With a Dante-enabled audio console, you can have the NBB-1616 to work as a stagebox. The
console can then route multi-channel audio to/from NBB-1616 on remote site with a single Ethernet cable.
Similarly, you can also have your DAW software to transceive multi-channel audio to/from NBB-1616 if your
DAW software also supports Dante networking or if you have Dante Virtual Soundcard installed along with
your DAW software.
With the two network ports configured to work in switch mode, you can cascade several NBB-
1616s in a same link. This greatly simplifies the network wiring and devices deployment if you need to route
audio to several spots sequentially.