UniGuard Technology Limited
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if you can use your smart phone to open this map link, it means the GPS tracker works well, vice
V:A means GPS tracker has found GPS signal successfully
V:V means no GPS signal.
1. 2014-04-18 02:17:53 The last tracking time
2. S:000km/h means GPS tracker moving speed.
3. Bat
80% means battery status
4. ID:4102000759 means GPS tracker ID
Which can be used to login into GPS CMS and APP
Notice: When the GPS signal is not strong enough, the GPS tracker can
’t locate successfully, the GPS tracker
will use the last longitude and latitude information. If you find the location SMS show you a wrong address, please check
the time in location SMS. So that you can know where is the last tracking.
Inquire Location by SMS
Instruction: G+password# or Where
User can send G123456 or Where to GPS tracker, then user can receive a SMS with tracker
’s longitude and
6. Listen-in function
GPS tracker has two modes: one is tracking mode, the other mode is Listen-in mode, the default setting is tracker
model, so when user call GPS tracker, a tracking SMS will be sent back, if user want to listen in GPS tracker by
phone call, user has to change the mode first by instruction
“ password”, then tracker will send a SMS back
“ Monitor ok”, then when you call the GPS tracker, you can listen-in what happen near the tracker.
If user want to recover to tracker mode, user can send
“ password”, then GPS tracker will be in tracking
7. Geo-Fence alarm
We suggest that this setting will be set by Web GPS CMS.
User can use this function to define the working range, once the GPS tracker step out of this working range, it will
send an alarm to admin phone number.
8. Movement Alarm
Instruction: Move+pmoving semidiameter
Put GPS tracker on desk without moving for 3-10 minutes, then send instruction to GPS tracker, the default setting
distance is 500 meters. If user want to set it to be 1000meters, user can write like
“ Move1234561000”, then the GPS
tracker will set a moving alarm range with 1000 meters semidiameter. User can set this function in GPS APP also.
Cancel moving alarm: password SMS reply: Nomove ok.
Notice: The moving semidiameter should be 500 meters, or more.
9. Over speed alarm
Instruction: speed+pspace+ speed
For example: speed123456 080, then tracker will reply:
“speed ok”
If the tracker move over 80km/h, GPS tracker will send a SMS to admin phone number
“ Speed
alarm+080!+ longitude and latitude. GPS tracker will send over speed alarm SMS every 5 minutes.
Cancel over speed alarm:
Instruction: password
Reply SMS
nospeed ok