P31003C1020M1000276A9, 01/2018
OpenScape Cordless IP V2, Administrator Documentation
OpenScape Cordless IP V2 – Introduction
Planning your DECT wireless network
Number of parallel calls depending of device role
Number of parallel calls per base station depending on the bandwidth: p. 45
1.1 Planning your DECT wireless network
Careful planning of your DECT wireless network is the prerequisite for successful operation of the OpenScape
Cordless IP V2 with good call quality and adequate call options for all subscribers in all the buildings and areas
belonging to the Communication System. When deciding how many base stations are needed, and where these
should be positioned, both the requirements for the capacity of the Communication System and its wireless cov-
erage, as well as many ambient conditions, must be taken into consideration.
For detailed information on planning your DECT network please refer to the service documentation for
OpenScape Cordless IP V2.
DECT man-
Integrator and DECT manager on the same device
Base + DECT manager
Base + DECT m