DSC provides a system for automated distress calls. At the touch of a button, the radio can
transmit your MMSI number, the nature of your distress, and your current position based
on data from your GPS receiver. The radio repeats the distress call every few minutes until
it receives an acknowledgement.
The DSC standard dedicates a VHF channel—channel 70—to digital transmissions only.
Since digital transmissions require less bandwidth voice transmissions, channel 70 avoids
the problems of busy voice channels.
Advanced DSC Features
Your radio supports the following DSC features:
Menu Item
Individual Call
Contact another vessel from your directory.
Group Call
Contact all vessels that share your group
MMSI code.
All Ships Call
All Ships
Broadcast to all vessels within range (used for
safety or advisory messages).
Position Request POS Request
Request the current location of another vessel.
Position Send
Position Send
Transmit your current location to another
Test Call
Make sure your radio is working and
configured correctly.
Name and MMSI
Store a list of 20 names and MMSI
identification codes for DSC calls.
Standby Mode
Automaticcally respond to all DSC calls within
an “Unavailable” status.
Received Call
Receive Log
Display the last 10 distress calls received by
the radio and the last 20 general calls.
What is an MMSI Number?
In order to use DSC features, you must be assigned an MMSI number and program that
number into your radio. There are two kinds of MMSI numbers: individual numbers for
use by single boats and group numbers for use by fleets, boating organizations, event
coordinators, etc.
You can get more information on MMSI numbers at these resources:
The dealer where you purchased the radio
Recreational boaters can obtain an MMSI number from the Boat Owner’s Association
of the U.S. (http://www.boatus.com/mmsi/ or call 800-536-1536) or Sea Tow Services
International (http://seatow. com/boating_safety/mmsi.asp)
Commercial boaters need a ship station license to get an MMSI number. For more
information, visit the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) website at http://
wireless.fcc.gov/marine/ fctsht14.html.
Entering MMSI Numbers
Individual or User MMSI Number