Hot start
A precaution to have during cold start-ups is that to operate at
low flame until the oil exceeds 130°C.
Always start the circulation pump first and then the burner.
Check that the circuit manual valves are fully open.
Periodically alternate the operation of the
circulation pumps if the reserve pump is pro-
vided: if there are no check valves, close the
flow valve of the switched off pump.
Each time the system is stopped, the circulation pump must
remain in motion until the oil temperature drops below 150°C.
- After calibrating the burner, check that
the flame does not touch the bottom of the
coil: otherwise, the cement may be damaged
in a short time, compromising the smooth
operation of the generator;
- Check that the burner flame is centred in
the furnace without touching the sides of
the coil: otherwise, “cracking” may occur
with the subsequent failure of the coil;
- In case of oil leaks on the circuit, turn off
the burner, wait for the oil to cool (< 50°C),
drain the system and repair. Then refill the
system and perform commissioning.
Insulate the circuit before starting the system.
The system is now ready to operate.