iZak™ User Guide
Maya - Battlefield
Music by Yannis Kyris
RISKO - A cigarette
Music by Fotis Halkias - Lyrics by Adonis Karalis
Each one of the above five music contents are encoded in five music format:
AAC: stored in the subfolder “AAC”
MP3: stored in the subfolder “MP3”
OGG Vorbis: stored in the subfolder “OGG”
WAV: stored in the subfolder “WAV”
WMA: stored in the subfolder “WMA”
We hope you enjoy them as much as we did!
this is the folder that contains some pictures from Greek monuments, in jpeg
format, under the “Greece” directory.
this folder contains the latest Unibrain product catalogue and contact
information. The files are also available in .pdf format
USB drivers for the Windows 98SE users. Please refer to next paragraph for