USF-1600 User Manual
- page 15 -
4.3. Operation and Setting of Metering Units
Ensure that the dispenser is clean before each use. This will affect its good operation.
Each container has a volumetric type separation unit consisting of manifold. You can change the
dosage by changing the volume of the sowing wheel, by screening it. The sliding gear on the unit (red) allows
you to reduce its speed by half.
4.3.1 Calibration Test (Dose Setting) on the USF-1600 Seeder
Some seed preparations can disturb the seed outflow very much and thus, the proper
operation of the distributor.
In order to obtain the exact sowing rate, you have to carry out static calibration tests (seeding rate
After performing the necessary settings (see sowing chart):
Depending on the type of seeds and the desired dose
Set the seed wheel to the correct position on the scale.
Place the seed box
Fig. 3 Sowing units
Fig. 4- Scale of the sowing unit