UTD1000L User Manual
Automatic Setting for Small Signal with
DC Bias
The unique powerful automatic setting function of
UTD1025CL oscilloscope make it possible to
complete quick
correct automatic setting for
signal containing any DC components under the
channel DC coupling mode
On the left upper part of screen display a
parameter position
Position: the parameter indicates the shift value of
channel reference symbol relative to the screen
horizontal midline. Being positive indicates that
channel referenece symbol is above the screen
horizontal midline and negative indicates that
channel referenece symbol is below the screen
horizontal midline.
For example: input in the channel AC peak peak
value70mV with sine signal containing 1.1V DC
bias signal set oscilloscope to display waveform
and read reference value
UTD1025CL with traditional oscilloscope in
terms of operation convenience.
Connect signal with input channel, set channel
coupling mode as DC, and conduct automatic
setting, then the screen shall display the waveform
shown as in the picture 4-24.
Of which
Position: 55 0div indicates that the channel
reference symbol shift downward 55div relative
to screen midpoint
Based on the present gear
and shift, we can calculate the DC bias voltage:
55div 1.1V
Peak peak value: 71.199mV represents the AC
peak peak value of the signal and DC level of
present signal could be read directrly by the
average value
Average value: 1.120V represents the DC level of
the signal and the signal s parameter could be
calculated easily based on the above parameters
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