Press POWER button to switch off under general measuring mode.
Press POWER button to switch off under PEAK mode.
Under data access mode, long press HOLD button to exit and return to
general measuring mode, indicated by End icon during this process,
then press POWER button to power off.
(2) General Measurement
High Voltage, extreme Danger! To avoid personal injury or accidents in
case of electric shock, only trained and authorized staff is allowed to
operate and should strictly observe safety rules.
Danger! To avoid personal injury or damage to the meter in case of electric
shock do not measure line voltage higher than 60KV.
Danger! Do not measure line current higher than 600A, otherwise it may
cause personal injury or damage to the meter in case of electric shock.
General Measurement: LCD will display real-time measured current during
measuring process. Displayed data on LCD varies with current flow and will
be back to zero if no measuring result has been held after disconnecting the
tester with measured lines.
General measuring mode is suitable for short-distance operation and
facilitates direct reading of LCD data. B Type model is not restricted to this
distance limit.
Connect insulation rods and ensure right connection before measurement.
Try not to avoid earth strike to the meter when connecting it to rods.
Only exclusive insulation rods are allowed to connect to the meter.
Lean down and pull back insulation rods after finishing testing, then
disconnect the tester first and discharge rods later to avoid earth strike to
the tester
Warning !
Dangerous Voltage!