UDP3305S Series Programmable DC Power Supply User Manual
4. Stair Up
The Stair Up waveform is as shown in the figure below.
The instrument determines the amplitude of the Ramp according to the maximum and minimum currently set.
The total number of points (N) will divide the amplitude into N-1 steps.
The time interval (maximum 99999) indicates the duration of each step, and determines the waveform period
together with the total number of points.
Stair up
5. Stair Down
The Stair Down waveform is as shown in the figure below.
The instrument determines the amplitude of the Ramp according to the maximum and minimum currently set.
The total number of points (N) will divide the amplitude into N-1 steps.
The time interval (maximum 99999) indicates the duration of each step, and determines the waveform period
together with the total number of points.
Stair down
6. Stair Up Down
The Stair Up Down waveform is as shown in the figure below.
The instrument determines the amplitude of the Ramp according to the maximum and minimum currently set.
The total number of points (N) will divide the amplitude into N-1 steps. When N is an odd, the number of
ascending steps is (N-1)/2 and descending steps is (N-1)/2+1. When N is an even, the number of ascending steps
is N/2 and descending steps is N/2.
The time interval (maximum 99999) indicates the duration of each step, and determines the waveform period
together with the total number of points.
Stair up down
7. Exponential Rise
The Exponential Rise waveform is as shown in the figure below.
The instrument determines the amplitude of the waveform according to the maximum (M) and minimum (N)
currently set and determines the waveform period according to the total number of points (P) and the time
interval (maximum 99999).
The rise index (R) is the independent variable of the rise function, which is an integer from 0 to 10. It determines
the rising speed of the waveform, and the base is Euler number (e=2.718281828).
The waveform function is
𝑓(𝑥) = (𝑀 − 𝑁)(1 − 𝑒
(X is the independent variable, an integer from 0 to P-1).