Using Balance Optix
standing the Data
1. Balance is an essential aspect of a successful golf swing. It plays
a crucial role in helping maintain control, generate power, and
achieve consistent results. While there is no “perfect swing,”
there are fundamentals and patterns that lead to increased
consistency. Balance Optix provides real-time visual data so you
can better understand and focus on these important aspects of
your own swing.
2. Weight Distribution – Most elite players have a weight distribution
that is approximately 50/50 at address, weight shifts to the
rear foot at the top of the backswing, and towards the lead foot
through impact and finish.
3. Center of Mass (CoM) - CoM describes the center point of all
your weight and can be tracked it as it moves both laterally and
horizontally throughout the golf swing. Elite players tend to keep
their CoM on a relatively straight horizontal line throughout the
Understanding the Data