1.For safety operation
1.1 Hazardous of product and safety precautions
Before operating or inspecting the pump, read this manual carefully. And pay
attention to ascertain the detail of potential hazardous and preventive
procedure so that must be operated or inspected the pump.
1.1.1 Leakage of hazardous gases and materials
Preventive Procedure
Leakage of toxic or inflammable
Before evacuating gases to the pump
inlet, dilute them to safety level.
Injuries of skin by direct contact
with contaminated oils or adhered
hazardous materials of the pump
body when checking or disposing
dispose the pump.
⇒ ①
After wearing suitable protector for
evacuating hazardous materials, check
or abolish the pump.
Before checking or disposing the pump,
non-hazardous treatment must be
requested for the authorized
professional specialist, then check or
the pump.
Disposal must be requested for the
professional specialist authorized by
the administration.
1.1.2 Electric shock
Preventive Procedure
Electric shock by touching
electrical bare portion of the
motor when electric power is on.
① Switch off power certainly before
electric wiring Connect electrical
wire cords to ground potential
terminals tightly.
② Switch off power before inspection or
③ Do not insert objects, fingers, or any
thin bars into the inlet port.