808 Gilman Street Berkeley, CA., 94710 p:925.253.2960 www.ultraviewcorp.com
Ultraview's line of live (“hot”) insertion extenders allow rapid production testing and engineering debug
of PCI/PCIe add-in cards. The live insertion feature allows an add-in card (UUT) to be turned off,
removed, modified or replaced with other add-in cards of the same type, and retested, all without
turning off the system power or rebooting the system.
A slot power switch allows power to the UUT to be turned off, allowing removing and replacing UUT
without system shutdown or reboot. The UUT is held in power-on-reset until power reaches proper
level and host RESET is inactive. Supplied live insertion software allows the user to save and restore
UUT’s configuration space, for quick board swapping without system shutdown or reboot.
The PCIeEXT-16HOT is a live insertion 16 lane PCI Express (PCIe) bus extender card supporting x16,
x8, x4, x2 and x1 PCIe cards. PCIe signal integrity requirements are met with high-speed trace layout
parameters (controlled high impedance and low ground inductance).
The PCIeEXT-16HOT offers power monitoring and over-current indication and limiting, facilitating rapid
troubleshooting and testing, and helping protect the host system from damage due to certain UUT
malfunctions. Additionally, it offers switch-selectable voltage margining, enabling UUTs to be tested
with supply voltages decreased by 0%, 5% or 10%, to expose marginal UUT designs.
The PCI-EXT64U and PCIEXT64UB are high-speed 32/64 Bit PCI Bus Extender Cards with switchable
bus isolation switches supporting 32 and 64 bit PCI add-in cards, as well as 32 or 64 bit motherboard
slots, operating in 5V or 3.3V signaling environments. PCI signal integrity requirements are met with
high-speed trace layout parameters (controlled high impedance and low ground inductance) and active
bus switching with low capacitance and delay to insure minimal effect on the UUT.
Power monitoring and current limiting provide a robust debug and test environment. The
PCIEXT64U/UB’s power limiting and overload-disconnect help protect the host system from damage
due to certain malfunctions on the UUT.
The PCIEXT64U/UB have test point header arrays, with all host PCI signals, for logic analyzer hookup
or piggyback connection.
The PCIEXT64UB has a more rugged, keyed connector than the PCIETX64U, and is recommended
for all uses except those in which 3V-only boards-under-test need to be tested.
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