Page 52/55 UltraGauge™ EM User Manual www.ultra-gauge.com
(MAP) sensor, use 4 different vehicle sensors and assume that the vehicle is operating correctly. Vehicles with MAP sensor
derived MPG are inherently less accurate than MAF. The accuracy of a MAP system is dependent on the accuracy of the
sensors involved and fuel used. The use of additives, or fuel containing ethanol, will alter the MPG for both MAP and MAF
vehicles. Note that UG has the option to compensate for these factors by allowing the fuel usage to be calibrated. See
Adaptive Volumetric Efficiency
for additional details
Nothing happens when I press Menu, is my UG broken?
depressed until the display changes. It should not take
longer than 3 seconds. Also, UG will not respond to the menu button while it is discovering gauges. It will respond before and
after discovery
Will UG show all Trouble Codes?
UG will display the first 20 error codes.
What is a Pending Trouble Code?
Often trouble codes are not reported by the vehicle unless the trouble is seen over several
driving cycles. Pending trouble codes are those that have been detected but have yet to be seen over multiple driving cycles.
Does my vehicle use MAF or MAP?
This is displayed in the menu;
UltraGauge Setup..
How many gauges are available for my Vehicle?
UG will automatically discover all the available gauges for your vehicle.
All gauges found will be listed under "Gauges" in the menu system. The number and type of gauges supported varies among
vehicle models and manufacturers. Some support many gauges while others support very few. There is no way to know in
advance. The discovery process provides a definitive answer.
Why doesn't UG show a MPG Gauge in the Gauge selection Menu?
When UG discovers the gauges available for your vehicle,
it determines if the gauges available are those necessary to calculate mileage. If not, the MPG gauges will not appear in the
selection Menu. Please report this to
and include the make and model of your vehicle
Distance Seems off?
UG stops measuring distance when the menu system is used. The menu system should never be used
while the vehicle is in motion. See Distance Calibration for more information.
Will alarms not sound when in the menu?
Alarm checking is not active while within the menu.
What is the difference between Oil, Trip and Service Distance?
Each can be individually reset and have different distance
values. Oil Distance is meant to act as a reminder of when the oil was last changed. Service is meant to remind you when a
service interval has been reached. However, Trip, Oil and Service distance can be used interchangeably. Note that alarms can
be set for each. For example, you can set Oil to 3000 miles, and Service to 30,000 miles as a reminder of the next service
Will the Fuel usage and Distances be lost if I unplug UG or disconnect the battery?
No, UG does not need power to retain
mileage and distance totals. However, always turn the ignition to off before disconnecting UG.
Will Distance and MPG still continue to be calculated even if neither is a current visible gauge?
Yes, UG always updates
Average MPG and Distances in the background.
My UG sometimes starts Scanning unexpectedly, is there a problem
? The Large Connector to which UG attaches sometimes
becomes corroded as a result of moisture. Check your vehicle’s connector for corrosion. Often an anti-moisture, anti-
corrosive grease can be applied to the terminals to halt any further decay. Ask for the electrical contact grease at your local auto
parts store. Here is a link to an example product:
I disconnected the cable, and my distance and MPG totals are off, is there a problem? UG saves distance and Average MPG
each time the ignition is set from RUN to Off. If the cable is disconnected prior to turning the ignition to off, newly
accumulated MPG and distances since the vehicle was started, will be lost. Previous data will not be lost. Always turn off the
vehicle before disconnected UG.
Does UG have a reset button?
No, UG should never need resetting. However, the device can be reset by unplugging/plugging
the cable, or by executing:
UltraGauge Setup ..
Save and Restart
Trouble Codes "Not Supported"?
If your vehicle does not respond to a code read request, this message will be displayed. In
some circumstances, returning to the gauge screen and then re-entering the menu system might reset a temporary condition
preventing the trouble codes from being accessed. The ignition must be in the RUN position prior to and while in the MENU
system. If this problem persists, please create a support ticket
Odd vehicle behavior when UG is attached?
On many 2005-2006 Hyundai's the ESC light or a U0001 trouble code may be
reported when UG initially scans the interface. This is the result of Hyundai supporting two different interfaces. One interface
is not fully and correctly implemented and reacts to UG's scan by potentially posting U0001 or lighting the ESC indicator on the
dash. Use
Trouble Codes ..
Clear Check Engine
to clear the trouble code. See the
Force Protocol
section for
more information. For 2005-2006 Hyundai's the protocol should be 9141 or KWP.
The Fuel Level % Gauge is frozen or dramatically inaccurate, is there a problem?
Your vehicle may be improperly reporting
the fuel level sender. Please see the
Level Sender Mode
Menu item for additional information and corrective measures.