Ver. 01NL okt19
Benno Premselahuis
Rhijnspoorplein 1
1091 GC Amsterdam
The print time displayed on the
screen is incorrect. The value found
in Cura will be reasonably accurate.
3D print ready
Let the printer cool down for at least
three minutes before attempting to
remove the glass plate from the
Open the two clips on the front of
the build plate. Twist them
completely open.
Slide the glass plate to the front and
remove it from the printer.
A note of caution:
Make sure not
to exert any pressure on the build
plate during this process.
Wait until the glass plate has cooled
off entirely before removing the
print from the plate. Use a chisel to
remove it. Use the chisel to ease up
the model from all sides.
A note of caution:
Never remove a
print while the glass plate is still in
the printer.