Before you start your installation.
Read and follow the complete XBB Dongle® installation guide before you
install your auxiliary lights and XBB PowerUnit®.
Confirm that your car is present in our
on xbb.se
NOTE! If your car model is not on the list, the only way to know if it
works is by connecting an XBB Dongle® and try different recipes
Download the XBB Configurator app from
Launch the app and register an account.
Verify the account with the code sent to your email. (If no email
arrives, check in the Spam)
You must have Location Settings enabled in your phone to find XBB
Dongle® & XBB PowerUnit®
XBB Dongle® installation.
Locate your car's diagnostic socket (OBD2). It should be in the
vicinity of the steering wheel, usually at the driver's legroom. There
may also be a small hatch that hides the socket.
Mount your XBB Dongle® in the OBD2 socket, make sure to press it
all the way in.
Launch the app and click on "Scan for XBB Dongle".
Click on the XBB Dongle® that appears to continue the installation.
Follow the Firmware Update instructions if one is recommended.
Click again on "Scan for XBB Dongle" and select it when it appears
in the app. Should it not be visible, take it out of the car OBD2
socket and put it back again.
Choose Recipe based on what kind of car you have. NOTE! If there
already is a recipe in the XBB Dongle you have to remove that
recipe before selecting a new one. Click on
and choose
Remove recipe.
Check that the signals / functions you are interested in work in the
app by trying them in the car. For example, if you activate the
headlight on the car, HIGHBEAM should change the status to ON
and be marked in green. The same applies to other signals. If you
want to try another recipe, click on it
Check that the