The detector responds with a signal when it detects most valuable metal objects.
If a signal does not repeat after you sweep the search coil over the target a few
times, the target is probably junk metal.
False signals can be caused by trashy ground, electrical interference, or large
irregular piece of junk metal.
False signals are usually broken or non-repeatable.
After you find a target, you can use PP(Pinpoint) to find the exact location of the
target as follows:
1.Press and hold PP to activate the Pinpoint feature.
2.Position the search coil just barely off the ground, and to the side of the target.
3.Move the search coil slowly across the target, and you can locate it by the
sound. The target is located directly under where the sound is loudest.
Narrow it Down:
1.To narrow the response further, position the center of the search coil near the
center of response pattern, but not directly over the center.
2.Release PP.
3.Immediately press and hold PP again.
4.Repeat this narrowing procedure to narrow the field of detection further.
Troubleshooting Guide
The detector
displays or sounds
without detecting
any target
1.The detector may
receive interference
and false signal from
broadcast antenna and
other electronic lines
2.The humidity of
environment may be
extremely high
1.Change searching
2.Wait for some time to
check again