If a boat, engine, or any part thereof becomes irreparable through a racing incident on the water during a discipline, then: The hull may be replaced. The engine
may be replaced. The engine can be re-built. The underwater unit may be replaced. All subject to official inspection and official authorization before any
attempt is made on replacement or repairs.
The hull, engine or any part thereof that is damaged beyond repair cannot be replaced during the actual heat be ing raced Exceptions: An irreparable hull can
only be replaced by another if the OOD decides another competitor was responsible for the damage caused only during a race or training on the water. Any
damaged part of the engine can be replaced with similar except the cylinder block. Underwater units that are damaged beyond repair can be changed provided
they have the same gear ratio and from a similar homologated engine.
All changes must be sanctioned and supervised by the Scrutineer or an appointed official. All damaged parts including hulls must be kept in a secure place for
any official inspection or pending possible protests. Any equipment subsequently found to be repairable will result in the driver being eliminated from the
complete event. All costs pertaining to the stripping of additional equipment will be the responsibility of the competitor in question. A fee, as specified in the
advance programme, must be paid to cover the inspection of any protested engines or equipment. These charges should be reason able. When different
disciplines are held on different days and no fully secure compound is available either overnight or days then all boats must be re-scrutineered before racing re-
commences. Failures will result in the loss of all previously gained points.
562.08 – GEARBOX
Gearbox must not be interfered with or modified in Stock and Pro Stock Classes. Any normal wear and tear on the fin/skeg shall be limit ed to 5mm and must be
seen to be racing wear and tear; all fins/skegs will be measured and must comply at Pre Scrutineering of each discipline. If illegal the team will be disqualified if
unable to change prior to that heat or Long-haul discipline. A stainless steel cover, with the same characteristics as an original gearbox, can be used to protect
the leading edges.
The replacement of nuts or the addition of lock nuts,
drilling and wiring, split-pinning or keying is allowed
provided the screw and pins are similar.
As per Stock Class
As per Stock Class
Gear interlock
The gear interlock device on the starter may be
As per Stock Class
As per Stock Class
The steering bar and brackets may be re-enforced
and additional steering bar may be mounted. The
steering bars must be able to tilt independently from
the motor. Strengthening of transom bracket and
lower leg are permitted.
As per Stock Class
As per Stock Class
Engine locking
Engine locking brackets may be removed.
As per Stock Class
As per Stock Class
Engine cowling
The engine cowling may be secured by means other
than or in addition to the standard means.
As per Stock Class
May be altered to increase air
flow and secured by means other
than or in addition to the
standard means.
Tell-tale cooling pipe may be replaced with another
pipe or other characteristics.
As per Stock Class
Splash plate
A splash plate may be fixed to the trunk of the motor
as long as it is not rigid and that it is fitted above the
cavitation plate.
As per Stock Class
As per Stock Class
The crankshaft may be welded or pinned as long as
the dimensions of the crank after welding do not
exceed the original manufactures dimensions and
weight for crankshaft. Holes maybe drilled in the
crankshaft to reduce weight. It is not allowed to
reduce the diameter of the crankshaft
As per Stock Class
No restrictions on welding
The original propeller maybe replaced by any other
three blade propeller; provided that it has a through
the hub exhaust. The locking nut, spacer, adaptor,
split pin, thrush washer/ washers are free for the
securing of the propeller; Re-bushing and keying of
propellers are allowed. No holes or ventilation slots
of any nature whatsoever are allowed in the hub or
blade. No spacing out of propeller to allow venting.
Propeller must enter gearbox housing by a minimum
of 1mm. Transgression of this rule will lead to
As per Stock Class
Re-boring is allowed as per UIM homologation
specifications. Parts must be as supplied by the
original manufacturer. No aftermarket parts can be
fitted. Oversize pistons can be fitted providing the
total cc’s does not exceed 750cc.
As per Stock Class
Allowed up to a max of 750cc