UIC680 Programmer’s Manual
UDN PM063-U Rev. 4
Section5: Application Example
The default setting of UIC680 reader, Self-ARM mode, is mainly to simplify the process
for the host that doesn’t need to communicate to each other. In this situation, the UIC680
acts like a general magnetic stripe card reader whenever it senses the card, it will try to
decode the card data automatically and send the decoded data to the host if the process is
successful. Otherwise, no information is sent out.
If the application would like to take whole control on the reader, it is recommended
using the “Host Polled” mode instead of the “Self-ARM” mode. It can be done by either
sending “Self-ARM” disable command or changing default setting in the reader
Once UIC680 receives the Self-ARM disable command, H0 (see the command
description section), it turns off auto-read function and waits for the “Arm-to-Read”
command, P, for next transaction. Since the Self-ARM disable command won’t change the
EEPROM setting, UIC680 will turn back to Self-ARM for next power cycling. Besides, the
Self-ARM enable command, H1, can also bring UIC680 back to Self-ARM.
To disable Self-ARM mode permanently, the host needs to set the EEPROM value of
UIC680. The configuration command SAx (x = E or D, see the Configuration Guide) saves
the setting into the EEPROM of UIC680 and keep the value until next changed.
Meanwhile, it is recommended using the Protocol 2 (USI2) for “host polled” application
because USI2 contains the header, message counter and block check character. It is better
than Protocol 0 (USI0) and Protocol 1 (USI1) to prevent the data to be misinterpreted but
needs more redundant bytes.