UIC680 Programmer’s Manual
UDN PM063-U Rev. 4
where STX=02Hex and ETX=03Hex.
Table 3-6. Example for Protocol 1
Protocol 2
In Protocol 2, all messages are preceded by the ASCII character <SOH>, followed by a
one byte reader address, two bytes character count and terminated with a one byte
The <BCC> is an XOR of the characters (8 bits) in the entire message, including
Table 3-7. Example for Protocol 2
The <ADDRESS> field is for a multi-reader system. This function is not currently
supported. The recommended value for this field is NULL (00Hex), however, any value
will work.
For Protocols 1 and 2, if the reader detects an error in an incoming transmission, it will
respond with a “Communications Error” message. If the host detects a transmission
error, it may request a retransmission. Besides, all protocols enforce a 10mSec timeout
between characters.
Self – Arm Mode
The default reader configuration is the “Self-Arm Mode”, which allows the payment
cards (Including PayPass Magnetic Stripe, VISA MSD, ExpressPay card and the
general magnetic stripe credit cards) reading functions to run automatically, reporting
the card data to the host without instruction from the host.
In the Self-Arm Mode, the reader also can accept commands from host. However, the
reader can be configured to only “Host Polled Mode” by disabling Self-Arm Mode. The
“Host Polled Mode” allows the card reading functions to run by commands.
Transmission Format
In Self-ARM mode, the default setting of card data output doesn’t include the protocol
envelope code. The user can turn on the envelope code by utilized the configuration
command – SE, TO. (Please refer to the appendix section of UIC680 Configuration
Host Command Reader Response
02h 50h 03h 51h
Ready to read
02h 5Eh 03h 5Fh
Reader ACK
Host Command
Reader Response
01h 00h 00h 01h 50h 50h
Ready to read
01h 00h 00h 01h 5Eh 5Eh
Reader ACK