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Dear Customers!

Congratulations on your choice of our appliance, and 

welcome among the users of ufesa products.

In order to achieve best possible results we recommend 

using exclusively original ufesa accessories. They have 

been specially designed for this product.

Please read this instruction manual carefully. Pay 

special attention to important safety instructions. Keep 

this User’s Guide for future reference.

Operation and safety precautions 

Before starting to use the appliance, become 

familiar with the whole content of this user 


Make sure that you understand the instructions 

given below.

capabilities or lack of experience 

and knowledge if they have been 

given supervision or instruction 

concerning use of the appliance 

in a safe way and understand 

the hazards involved. Children 

shall not play with the appliance. 

Cleaning and user maintenance 

shall not be made by children 

without supervision.


Do not damage, bend, stretch, 

twist and tie the cord. Do not 

place heavy objects on the cord or 

lay the cord between such objects. 

Keep the cord away from heated 

surfaces. Do not run the unit over 

the cord. Do not pull or carry the 

unit by cord. A damaged cord 

poses risk of fire or electric shock.


Do not leave the mop of the 

unit plugged in and without 

supervision. Always unplug when 

not in use or before cleaning.


Before unplugging the unit, turn 

off all controls. Unplug the unit by 

holding it by the plug not the cord.


To avoid electric shock never 

operate the unit with wet hands or 

without shoes. Never immerse the 

unit in water.


Never direct steam towards 

people, animals plants, electric 

wires or electric appliances.


Keep your hair, loose clothing, 

fingers or body parts away from 

openings and moving parts of the 



Take special caution when 

cleaning stairs and steps.


Health hazard


Do not turn on the unit if the 

cord, body or handle are visibly 

damaged. Take the unit to your 

local service centre.


If the supply cord is damaged, 

it must be replaced by the 

manufacturer, a service agent 

or a qualified person in order to 

avoid a hazard.


The appliance can be repaired 

only by qualified technicians. 

If failures appear, take the unit to 

a specialist ufesa service centre.


Before cleaning, assembling or 

disassembling, always unplug the 



This appliance can be used by 

children aged from 8 years and 

above and persons with reduced 

physical, sensory or mental 


Содержание EM5000

Страница 1: de instrucciones instructions manual mode d emploi manual de instru es haszn lati utas t s ES AR HU PT FR EN mopade vapor con escoba el ctrica EM5000 www ufesa es steam mop with electronic brush mo...

Страница 2: ...uerza el cable de alimentaci n No coloque objetos pesados sobre el cable ni lo coloque entre dichos objetos Mantenga el cable de alimentaci n alejado de superficies calientes No pase la mopa por el ca...

Страница 3: ...el agua en el dep sito de agua es decir perfumes quitamanchas o l quidos que contengan alcohol ya que pueden da ar el aparato El calor y el vapor podr an afectar a algunas superficies limpiadas Siempr...

Страница 4: ...El aparato dispone de dos modos de funcionamiento que puede seleccionar el usuario La mopa de vapor produce vapor caliente que elimina f cilmente la A suciedad de los suelos duros Adem s la mopa se p...

Страница 5: ...sto para la limpieza con la funci n de vapor 7 Para empezar mantenga pulsado el bot n de emisi n de vapor Al soltar el bot n se detendr la emisi n de vapor F Si el dep sito se queda sin agua durante l...

Страница 6: ...osici n De esta forma se bloquear el rodillo Desmontaje del mango almacenamiento El mango se puede extraer con el fin de facilitar el almacenamiento del aparato en armarios bajos 1 Gire hacia abajo el...

Страница 7: correctamente a la fuente de alimentaci n o no est conectado en absoluto Introduzca el enchufe en la fuente de alimentaci n correcta v ase la placa de caracter sticas que figura en el aparato y enc...

Страница 8: ...unit over the cord Do not pull or carry the unit by cord A damaged cord poses risk of fire or electric shock Do not leave the mop of the unit plugged in and without supervision Always unplug when not...

Страница 9: ...ff when using oil paints thinners some moth proofing substances or in rooms where flammable dust occurs Do not pour liquids other than water into the water tank i e perfumes stain removers or liquids...

Страница 10: ...he unit Do not lift the electrobrush from the floor when in operation B D Steam function To use the steam function follow the instructions below 1 Match and attach the micro fibre cloth to the cleanin...

Страница 11: ...egree of filter contamination may impact the performance of your steam mop C Before replacing the filter unplug the unit from the outlet 1 Remove the water tank see the Steam function section 3 2 Pull...

Страница 12: ...basically consists in using non contaminating materials which should be handed over to the local waste disposal service as secondary raw materials This product complies with EU Directive 2002 96 EC T...

Страница 13: ...concerne l utilisation de l quipement de fa on s re et l explication compr hensible des dangers possibles qu y sont li s seront assur es Il faut s assurer que les enfants ne jouent pas avec l apparei...

Страница 14: ...e mise la terre N utilisez pas le balai vapeur avec la fonction vapeur sans eau dans le r servoir Apr s l ach vement du travail d versez l eau qu est rest e dans le r servoir d eau Ne ramassez pas ave...

Страница 15: ...appareil la source d alimentation appropri e 2 Appuyez le bouton afin de mettre en marche l lectro brosse L lectro brosse peut tre utilis e sur des sols durs et plats aussi bien avec ou sans coussin...

Страница 16: ...rnez le r servoir l envers et d vissez le bouchon Remplissez le r servoir avec de l eau vissez le bouchon assurez vous qu il est bien serr et placez le r servoir dans l endroit pr c demment occup N ut...

Страница 17: ...l appareil 4 Placez le r servoir d eau dans l endroit pr c demment occup C Nettoyage de l electro brosse Au cours de l exploitation des morceaux de fils cordes cheveux coupures de tissus etc s accumul...

Страница 18: ...qui le bloquent voir Nettoyage de l electrobrosse L appareil ne fonctionne toujours pas correctement Prenez contact avec le service Remarques concernant le d p t limination des d chets Toutes nos marc...

Страница 19: ...t pas responsable des ventuels dommages caus s par une utilisation de l appareil non conforme sa destination ou pour une utilisation incorrecte L importateur le fabricant se r serve le droit de modifi...

Страница 20: que as crian as n o brinquem com o aparelho A limpeza do aparelho e a sua manuten o n o devem ser efectuadas por crian as sem supervis o adequada N o danificar n o dobrar n o esticar n o torcer e n...

Страница 21: ...iente N o apanhar com a esfregona nada que esteja a queimar se ou a deitar fumo isto cigarros f sforos ou poeira quente subst ncias inflam veis ou explosivas isto gasolina ou combust vel para isqueiro...

Страница 22: ...A Manuseamento do aparelho O aparelho vem equipado com duas fun es de funcionamento para serem seleccionadas pelo utilizador A esfregona a vapor emite vapor quente que facilmente elimina as sujidades...

Страница 23: ...aquecer a gua O d odo de sinaliza o calor acende O acendimento do d odo de sinaliza o vapor significa a prontid o do aparelho para funcionar com a fun o de vapor F 7 Premir e manter premido o bot o de...

Страница 24: ...olo da escova el ctrica acumulam se peda os de fios cord is cabelos tiras de tecidos etc Os mesmos diminuem a efectividade da limpeza por isso indispens vel a limpeza peri dica pelo menos uma vez por...

Страница 25: ...e desconectar o aparelho da corrente el ctrica Seguidamente limpar o rolo dos elementos que o bloqueiam consultar Limpeza da escova el ctrica O aparelho continua a funcionar incorrectamente Contactar...

Страница 26: ...parelhos que j n o se usam O importador fabricante n o assume a responsabilidade por eventuais danos ocorridos na sequ ncia de utiliza o do aparelho em desacordo com a sua fun o ou da sua opera o inad...

Страница 27: ...k s nem tarthatj k karban Ne s rtse meg ne hajl tsa meg ne h zza sz t ne csavarja meg s ne t rje meg a h l zati k belt Ne tegyen a vezet kre neh z t rgyakat s ne fektesse ilyen t rgyak k z Tartsa a h...

Страница 28: g si s r l sek vesz lye Ne haszn lja a k sz l ket embereken vagy llatokon l v ruh kon VIGY ZAT Ha nem tartja be az el r sokat vesz lynek teszi ki a tulajdon t A k sz l ket kiz r lag a berendez s ad...

Страница 29: ...ombot A B D Az elektromos kef t kem ny sima padl zaton lehet haszn lni felszerelt takar t al t ttel s an lk l is R vid sz l sz nyegen takar t al t t n lk l haszn lja az elektromos kef t 3 A munka befe...

Страница 30: ...bel l 15 m sodpercen kereszt l 8 A munka befejez se ut n tolja a calor kapcsol t off ll sba s v rja meg am g a takar t fejb l m r nem l p ki g z 9 r tse ki a v ztart lyt s csatlakoztassa le a k sz l k...

Страница 31: ...egoldani vegye fel a kapcsolatot az inf vonallal vagy a megfelel szervizzel gyeljen r hogy ne tegye k rt az elektromos kefe sz laiban vagy mag ban a tengelyben 4 A megtiszt tott tengely helyezze vissz...

Страница 32: ...beszerz sekor Az rv nyben l v hullad kgy jt rendelkez sek szerint azok a felhaszn l k akik kiselejtezett k sz l keket nem adj k le egy speci lis gy jt pontn l b ntetend k A kiselejtezett k sz l kek he...

Страница 33: ...calor on calor calor on EC 2002 96...

Страница 34: ...15 off calor 8 9 off calor 60 6 3 1 2 3 4 C 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 G E...

Страница 35: ...1 2 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 B D F 2 3 4 on calor 5 calor 6 vapor 7 off calor 5 4...

Страница 36: ...dBA 65 CE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 14 2 15 16 17 vapor calor 18 barrer off on calor 19 A...

Страница 37: ...ufesa ufesa ufesa 8 AR off...

Страница 38: ...Notes...
