Be sure the grease coupler is securely connected to the grease fitting and that the
magnetic sensor, (RMT) is in full contact with the bearing housing.
Wear your headphones and be sure the head phones are plugged into the headphone jack.
Turn the Ultraprobe 201 ON.
If the sound is too loud, reduce the sensitivity: turn the Sensitivity Dial LEFT until the LED’s
are at approximately 50% of scale.
Apply the lubrication and listen.
If the bearing needs lubrication, the user will notice a gradual drop in amplitude as
lubrication is applied.
Once The Amplitude Falls Back To The Baseline Or Levels Off, The Bearing Is Sufficiently
If the amplitude increases, that means there is already enough lubricant and it is now
being over-lubricated. Even if ultrasound finds no change in decibels after adding grease, that is
still actionable information. The inspector can follow up with a spectrum analysis of the recorded
ultrasound sound file, vibration analysis or some other technique to determine why there was no
change in the decibel level.
Always refer to Manufacture’s suggested lubricant amount when in