EVK-R41Z - User guide
UBX-19033357 - R03
Product description
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Product description
The R41Z evaluation kit allows for stand-alone use of the R41Z module featuring the NXP
MKW41Z RF System on Chip (SoC).
This guide provides setup instructions for starting development and describes the hardware
functionality of the R41Z evaluation kit that can facilitate development of your project.
The R41Z evaluation kit provides a great starting point for almost any Bluetooth low energy,
Thread, or Zigbee project. All the features of the R41Z module are easily accessed from the
evaluation board. A simple USB connection provides power and OpenSDA V2.1 based
debugging. Four user buttons (two conventional and two capacitive) are available, as well as
an RGB LED, reset button, combination acceleration/magnetometer sensor, and an external
4 Mbit flash module. Arduino form factor headers provide access to 16 GPIO and 6 analog
inputs. This allows for easy use of the many existing Arduino shields. Current sense resistors
allow for measuring current into the R41Z module and into the shield.
Key features
R41Z Bluetooth low energy and IEEE 802.15.4 module
On-board programming and debug (OpenSDA v2.1)
Virtual COM port over USB
Pin-for-pin compatible with projects created for the NXP FRDM-KW41Z board
Buttons and LEDs for user interaction
3-axis combination accelerometer and magnetometer, I2C interface
4 Mbit Flash, SPI interface
Provision for IR LED
32.768 kHz crystal
CR2032 battery holder
Supports all DC-DC modes of the R41Z module
Adjustable output regulator simplifies development
Figure 1: EVK-R41Z evaluation board (Top view)