Application Note
Please read the Important Notice and Warnings at the end of this document
<Revision 1.2>
Manual for HybridKIT Evaluation Gate Board
HybridKIT Evaluation Gate Driver Board for 750V EDT2 IGBT
About this document
This application note describes the features as well as limitations of the evaluation gate driver board
EVAL-6ED100HPDRIVE-AS for HybridPACK™ Drive modules with 750V EDT2 IGBTs
. A comprehensive
quickstart guide with main interfaces and function description is given. The evaluation gate driver board is
equal to the gate driver boards on the HYBRIDKIT DRIVE Inverter evaluation kits and is an open design for lab
testing purposes.
For evaluation of HybridPACK™ Drive modules with 1200V IGBT4 chipset please see [4].
Author: Tomas Reiter (IFAG ATV HP EDT MD).
Scope and purpose
The evaluation gate driver board was designed to support customers during their first steps in designing
applications with the HybridPACK™ Drive and EICEDriver Sense/Boost. An evaluation board is not intended to
be an optimal design for every specific requirement. But it gives a good starting point and useful design hints
for a serial development. Furthermore, practical experience from the power module switching characteristic as
well as the gate driver features can be obtained in the lab at a minimum effort by using such evaluation tools.
Before getting started it is mandatory to read and understand the safety warnings (section 1.1) and the features
and limitations (chapter 3).
Intended audience
Experienced engineers designing gate drive boards for HybridPACK™ Drive.
Table of Contents