UF-OLT Qu ck Start Gu de
GPON (Ports PON 1 - 8)
SFP+ (Ports 1 - 2)
Console Port
Reset Button
Green/Flash ng
1G L nk/Act v ty
Wh te/Flash ng
10G L nk/Act v ty
No L nk
Amber/Flash ng
10/100 L nk/Act v ty
Green/Flash ng
1000 L nk/Act v ty
G gab t Pass ve Opt cal Network ports support up to 128 cl ents on each port.
Hot-swappable SFP+ ports support 1G or 10G connect ons.
10/100/1000 Ethernet port used for out‐of‐band management. For f rmware vers on
4.1 and newer, t s set to DHCP Cl ent w th the fallback IP address,
Prev ous f rmware vers ons default to a stat c IP:
RJ45 ser al console port for Command L ne Interface (CLI) management. Use an
RJ45-to-DB9, ser al console cable, also known as a rollover cable, to connect the
Console port to your computer. (If your computer does not have a DB9 port, then
you w ll also need a DB9 adapter.) Then conf gure the follow ng sett ngs as needed:
Baud rate 57600
Data b ts 8
Par ty NONE
Stop b ts 1
Flow control NONE
There are two methods to reset the dev ce to factory defaults:
Runt me reset (recommended)
The dev ce should be runn ng after bootup s
complete. Press and hold the Reset button for about 10 seconds unt l the MGMT
LED starts ash ng and then becomes sol dly l t. After a few seconds, the LED w ll
turn off, and the dev ce w ll automat cally reboot.
UF-OLT Qu ck Start Gu de