AF-5XHD Qu ck Start Gu de
d. If needed, change the Channel Bandw dth, Frequency, Output Power (EIRP),
Antenna Ga n, and Max TX Modulat on sett ngs. The Channel Bandw dth and
Frequency should be the same on both the Master and the Slave.
e. In the Secur ty Key f eld, enter a comb nat on of alphanumer c characters (0-9, A-
Z, or a-z).
7. Cl ck Save Changes.
8. Conf gure each a rF ber rad o w th a un que IP address for the Data port:
a. Tap Conf gurat on, and then tap Network.
b. For both the Data LAN Network and Management Network opt ons:
Have your router use DHCP reservat on to ass gn a un que IP Address.
Stat c
Change the IP Address, Netmask, and other sett ngs to make them
compat ble w th your network.
The key s an alphanumer c password between 8 and 63 characters
AF-5XHD Qu ck Start Gu de