AF-5XHD Qu ck Start Gu de
1. Launch the UNMS app.
2. Opt onal: Enable Bluetooth on your mob le dev ce.
By default, Bluetooth s enabled on the AF-5XHD.
3. On the Connect ons screen, select the AF-5XHD.
4. Enter ubnt n the Username and Password f elds. Select your Country and Language.
You must agree to the Terms of Use to use the product.
U.S. product vers ons are locked to the U.S. Country Code to ensure
compl ance w th FCC regulat ons.
5. On the Summary screen, tap Conf gurat on, and then tap W reless.
UNMS screens shown here are from the OS-based app. The Andro d-
based app d ffers sl ghtly n appearance and operat on.
6. Conf gure these sett ngs:
a. On one AF-5XHD, enable Master Mode; on the other AF-5XHD, keep the default
sett ng (Off) for Master Mode.
b. Enter a name n the L nk Name f eld. Th s should be the same on both the Master
and the Slave.
c. Select your Country.
U.S. product vers ons are locked to the U.S. Country Code to ensure
compl ance w th FCC regulat ons.