AF-24 Qu ck Start Gu de
Al gnment
T ps
F ne-tun ng s best ach eved by a pa r of nstallers w th a ded cated, two-way
commun cat on l nk: one nstaller makes adjustments on one a rF ber rad o wh le the
other nstaller reports the rece ved s gnal level at the other a rF ber rad o. F ne-
tun ng (see
) s necessary because the ma n lobe of the
rece ver s narrower than that of the transm tter, n both az muth and elevat on.
To accurately al gn the a rF ber rad os for best performance, you MUST al gn only
one end of the l nk at a t me.
For more conven ent al gnment, you may cons der us ng long-range scopes (not
ncluded) temporar ly attached to your a rF ber rad os.
You may need to use add t onal hardware to compensate for ssues such as the
mproper or entat on of a mount ng pole or s gn f cant elevat on d fferences
AF-24 Qu ck Start Gu de