UAV-1004233-001, AV-30-E Pilot’s Guide
Revision A
A second example is where the pitch is 0 degrees, but the aircraft is
actually descending - the AoA is then equivalent to the descent angle,
which will be a negative AoA.
11.2 Configured Limits
As each aircraft make and model has different flight characteristics
and post-production modifications such as altered wing tips,
performance kits and other related modifications may change the
flight dynamics of the aircraft, each aircraft has unique configuration
limits that must be set for proper AoA operation.
An upper and lower configuration limit is pilot adjustable and provides
the scaling mechanism for individual aircraft flight characteristics as it
relates to the corresponding AoA display.
The upper near-stall configuration limit is set when the aircraft is in the
“base-to-final” configuration with flaps and gear set to their normal
positions for this maneuver. This provides the best protection when
the aircraft is low-and-slow, and the pilot may inadvertently stall based
on over-corrections.
The upper limit is configured to coincide with the aircrafts
existing stall warning system and is typically on the order of 10
to 15 degrees. This visually correlates to the first red bar on
the AoA display with the second (upper most) red bar providing
indication for operation between the aircrafts stall warning and
actual stall point.
A lower limit is configured to coincide with the AoA at which the
aircraft flies under normal cruise conditions. This is typically on
the order of 3 to 4 degrees. This visually correlates to the
lowest one or two green bars on the AoA display.