The meter provides you with whole blood equivalent results. The
result you obtain from your meter may differ somewhat from your
laboratory result due to normal variation. Meter results can be
affected by factors and conditions that do not affect laboratory results
in the same way. (See test strip package insert for typical accuracy
and precision data, and for important information on limitations.)
To make an accurate comparison between meter and laboratory
results, follow the guidelines below.
Before you go to the lab:
Perform a control solution test to make sure that the meter is
working properly.
Fast for at least eight hours before doing comparison tests, if
Take your meter with you to the lab.
While at the lab:
Make sure that the samples for both tests (the meter test and the lab
test are taken and tested within 15 minutes of each other).
Wash your hands before obtaining a blood sample.
Never use your meter with blood that has been collected in a
gray-top test tube.
Use fresh capillary blood only.