If the door is
in “Blocking state", access is denied for RF ID with this attribute
Antipassback is off
Access right without considering Antipassback Mode.
Access is granted regardless of the direction of the previous access, but according
to the schedule and other attributes designated to the Card
Variants of Use and modes of output
All panel outputs can be programmed in any order for several functions: Blocking,
Siren, Alarm, Programmable output. In addition, there is programmable operation
mode for each output: start-stop (output remains active until the corresponding
command is present, for example, during the time until the panel is in "Alarm" Mode),
impulse (the output is activated for the programmed time), trigger mode (on the first
event the output is activated, on the following is off, etc.), continuous.
The communicator
U-Prox IP100 panels operates automatically - after downloading data from the
server, it processes the card passed according to its access rights, grants or denies
access and sends event rehire to the ACS server.
Panel communicator operates in the
mode. If there is event (passage,
violation of input) event report message is send ACS server.
U-Prox IP100 panel can be connected to a computer network via wired connection
(Ethernet) or via wireless network. This ensures work within
local network
Figure 3) or via the
(see Fig. 4), that allows to build distributed access
systems of any size.
Fig. 4.
An example of a local network of mixed type (Ethernet and Wi-