One U-Prox WRS485 interface convertes or one U-Prox mini 485 reader
Temperature range: 0 - +55
C at 80% relative humidity.
Maximum relative humidity 80% without condensation
In access control systems each user has a unique RF ID. Identifiers can take the
form of a plastic card, key FOB etc.
Access point (AP)
Access point is a logical concept of the access control system implying control of
passing through a door in one direction. It consists of reader, access control panel
(or its part), door supervision devices (like door contact, RTE button etc.) and door
locking device. In case of elevator control panel, access point is the floor selection
button or the set of buttons, enabling person’s access to the desired floors according
to his access rights.
For instance, the turnstile with two-way passes has two Access points
– one for
entrance and the other one for exit, door of this type is called double-sided door. A
door with a reader on one side has only one Access point
– Entry point, and it is
called single-sided door.
Control panel is to be downloaded after all parameters are set
– modes of inputs,
outputs, access rights and others. During downloading parameters are rewritten into
access control panel.