ZED-F9H - Integration manual
Figure 37: u-blox low cost dual-band antenna internal structure
A suitable ground plane is required for the antenna to achieve good performance.
Location of the antenna is critical to reach the stated performance. Unsuitable locations
could include, under vehicle dash, rear-view mirror location, etc.
Dual band active antenna required specifications
Antenna type
Active antenna
Minimum active antenna gain
17 dB
Maximum active antenna gain
50 dB
Active antenna recommendations
Noise figure
<4 dB
L1 band antenna gain
1559 - 1606 MHz: 3 dBic typ.
L2/E5b band antenna gain
1197 - 1249 MHz: 2 dBic typ.
Axial ratio
2 dB max, at Zenith
Phase center variation
<10 mm over elevation/azimuth
10 ns max at each GNSS system bandwidth. Note:
Inter-signal requirement 50 ns max.
EMI immunity out-of-band
30 V/m
Out-of-band rejection
40 dB typ
ESD circuit protection
15 kV human body model air discharge
Table 27: Antenna specifications for ZED-F9H modules
The antenna system should include filtering to ensure adequate protection from nearby
transmitters. Take care in the selection of antennas placed close to cellular or Wi-Fi transmitting
4.4.1 Antenna bias
Active antennas have an integrated low-noise amplifier that contributes an additional current of
typically 5 to 20 mA to the system's power consumption budget.
Including passive losses (filters, cables, connectors etc.)
Measured with a ground plane d=150 mm
GNSS system bandwidths: B1I 1559… 1563 MHz; L1,E1,B1C 1573… 1578 MHz; L1OF 1598… 1606 MHz; E5b,B2I
1192… 1212 MHz; L2C 1223… 1231 MHz; L2OF 1242… 1249 MHz
Exception L1 and L2 bands +/- 200 MHz, emphasis on cellular bands
UBX-19030120 - R04
4 Design
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