ZED-F9H - Integration manual
it into backup mode; this can be set up with UBX-RXM-PMREQ. Leave open if unused, this function
is disabled by default.
3.7.7 GEOFENCE_STAT interface
The ZED-F9H provides a GEOFENCE_STAT pin that indicates the current geofence status as to
whether the receiver is inside any of the active areas.
This feature can be used for example to wake up a sleeping host when a defined geofence condition
is reached. It is possible to configure up to four circular areas as geofence locations. Once configured,
the receiver continuously compares its current position with the preset geofenced areas.
For more information in this functionality, see
The receiver toggles the assigned pin according to the combined geofence state.
There are three possible outcomes for each geofence:
- The position is inside the geofence with the configured confidence level
- The position lies outside of the geofence with the configured confidence level
- There is no valid position solution or the position uncertainty does not allow for
unambiguous state evaluation
The GEOFENCE_STAT pin is always set to high level when the combine geofence state is unknown.
The low level can either represent the inside state or the outside state according to the value set in
the CFG-GEOFENCE-PINPOL configuration item. If the receiver is in software backup or in a reset,
the pin will go to high accordingly.
The CFG-GEOFENCE-PIN configuration item refers to a PIO and not a physical device pin.
The PIO number must be set so that it is mapped to the assigned geofence state device pin.
The ZED-F9H high precision receiver is assigned PIO3 that is assigned to module pin 19.
3.7.8 RTK_STAT interface
The ZED-F9H provides an RTK_STAT pin that provides an indication of the RTK positioning status.
It can be used to confirm if a valid stream of RTCM messages is being received. As valid RTCM
messages we only consider the RTCM messages that are supported and used by the receiver.
In general, the RTK_STAT level can be interpreted as follows: Alternating (blinking) pin level,
indicates that a valid stream of RTCM messages is being received and utilized but no RTK fixed
mode has been achieved. An active low pin level indicates that RTK fixed mode has been achieved.
Otherwise, the pin level is high.
The RTK_STAT pin status can be mapped to the
field of the UBX-NAV-PVT and
interpreted as follows:
• An active low pin level indicates that RTK fixed mode has been achieved
• Alternating (blinking) pin level, indicates that a valid stream of RTCM messages is being
received and utilized but no RTK fixed mode has been achieved
• An active high pin level indicates that no carrier phase solution is available
3.8 Antenna supervisor
An active antenna supervisor provides the means to check the antenna for open and short circuits
and to shut off the antenna supply if a short circuit is detected. Once enabled, the active antenna
supervisor produces status messages, reporting in NMEA and/or UBX protocol.
UBX-19030120 - R04
3 Receiver functionality
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