AMY-5M - Hardware Integration Manual
Product handling & soldering
Page 40 of 54
Soldering paste
Use of "No Clean" soldering paste is strongly recommended, as it does not require cleaning after the soldering
process has taken place. The paste listed in the example below meets these criteria.
Soldering Paste:
LFSOLDER TLF-206-93F (Tamura Kaken (UK) Ltd.)
Alloy specification:
Sn 95.5/ Ag 3.9/ Cu 0.6 (95.5% Tin/ 0.6 % Silver/ 0.6% Copper)
Melting Temperature: 216 - 221°C
Stencil Thickness:
100 µm for base boards
The final choice of the soldering paste depends on the approved manufacturing procedures.
The paste-mask geometry for applying soldering paste should meet the recommendations in section 2.9.2
Reflow soldering
Reflow profiles are to be selected according to IPC/JEDEC J-STD-020.
u-blox 5 modules
must not
be soldered with a damp heat process.
Optical inspection
After soldering the AMY-5M module, consider an optical inspection step to check whether:
The module is properly aligned and centered over the pads
Repeated reflow soldering
Only single reflow soldering processes are recommended for boards populated with AMY-5M modules. The
internal components should not be soldered multiple times.
Wave soldering
Base boards with combined through-hole technology (THT) components and surface-mount technology (SMT)
devices require wave soldering to solder the THT components. Only a single wave soldering process is
encouraged for boards populated with u-blox 5 modules.
Hand soldering
Hand soldering is not recommended
Not recommended.
Conformal coating
Certain applications employ a conformal coating of the PCB using HumiSeal
or other related coating products.
Conformal Coating of the module will void the warranty.