Tzonedigital_TT11 V1.5 June9, 2016
6. Use the GPRS function
You can set it via SMS or use the same command via serial port tool.
Step1: Set the APN (Access Point Name)
Different network of provider have the different APN at every country, if you
don't know, please refer to the attachment.
Format: *$$$$$$,011,APN,Username,Password#
Notes: The username and password could to be null.
For example: *000000,011,cmnet,,#
Explication: The China Mobile’s APN is “cmnet”, and the usernameand
password are empty.
After you send the command of SMS to device, it will reply to your mobile phone:
If you send the command of USB to device, the serial port tool will shows:
CMD bytes: 14
Step2: Set the server’s IP & PORT
Format: *
For example: *000000,015,1,,54929# is our server’s domain name,54929 is the port.
If client have the server by himself, please make sure the IP and port is correct.
After you send the command of SMS to device, it will reply to your mobile phone