Battery Polarity Reverse Protection
: when the battery polarity is reversed, the
BATT indicator light will display RED and the BATTERY and LOAD terminals will
terminate output. Battery reverse will not damage the model if the AC power is off.
The AC switch must be turned off at any time when the battery is changed. If AC is
on and the battery is disconnected, the PS polarity reverse protection is disabled, and
if the polarity is reversed, the fuse of the PS will be burnt, sometimes causing a spark.
Battery Low Voltage protection
: When the AC is OFF or has failed, if the battery
voltage is lower than 40V±0.2V, the model will turn off the output on LOAD. When
AC returns or the battery voltage returns to 51V±0.2V, then the output on LOAD will
recover automatically.
Load Over Current Protection
: the model will automatically shut down if the load
is over 4A. when the load is reduced, the PS will auto recover.
Load Over Voltage Protection
: when the LOAD output is over 59V~63V, the PS
will turn off.
Load Short Circuit Protection
: output terminal short circuit will not damage the PS,
it will be simply stop the output. When the short circuit status is removed, the LOAD
will recover immediately.