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3.3.4 Parameter Setup in Programmable Mode
1) Data Group Setup (PG)
In standby mode, press key “
” or “
” to go to PG setup. To input a new value, dial the numeric
key pad and press ENTER to confirm the new input. If there is wrong input, press key “
” to clear
the wrong values and make new input. Or, press key “<” or “>” to make direct adjustment to the
current numbers.
2) Voltage Setup (Vset)
In standby mode, press key “
” or “
” to go to voltage setup. To input a new voltage value, dial
the numeric key pad and press ENTER to confirm the new input. If there is wrong input, press key
” to clear the wrong values and make new input. Or, press key “<” or “>” to make direct
adjustment to the current numbers.
In output mode, the low range voltage can be set at any value between 0V to 150V, and the high
range voltage can be set at any value between 0V to 300V. If the desired output voltage is over the
low range, first switch to high range and set the desired voltage.
3) Frequency Setup (Fset)
In standby mode, press key “
” or “
” to go to frequency setup. To input a new voltage value,
dial the numeric key pad and press ENTER to confirm the new input. If there is wrong input, press
key “
” to clear the wrong values and make new input. Or, press key “<” or “>” to make direct
adjustment to the current numbers.