Chapter: H.1. Conditions of safe operations
Electromagnetic compatibility
IIEC/EN 61800-3:2008 first and second environment
In a frequency converter where to meet the emission requirements for Class C3 the RFI filter is not required,
the possibility of radio interference may be expected.
The inverters are not intended for use in the public low voltage
network that supplies residential premises. Radio frequency
interference is expected when used in such a network.
In IT grids usage of asymmetric filters of high frequency (capacitors Y) to reduce emission of
interference, ruins the concept of the distributive grid isolated from the ground. Additional grounded
impedances can become threat of safety in such systems.
Before buying a drive for use in an IT grid, please contact us to set the individual design of the system.
For technical reasons in some applications (current higher than 400A) fulfilling requirements of EMC is not
possible. In such cases user and manufacturer should decide on ways of satisfying EMC requirements in this
particular application.
MFC1000AcR, TWERD Power Electronics