TVU Transceiver & Receiver Set Up and Operating Guide
Label TVUPack Anywhere Pro - Twitter Support
Go back to the TVU Anywhere interface
Tap the TVU logo to grab a snapshot of a TVUPack live video stream. You can also shake
your phone, and a picture will automatically be captured and posted to your Twitter
account. (
See note below
Compose a Tweet in the message box
Character count
Choose a photo from your camera roll to Tweet. Note: You need to allow TVU
Anywhere Pro to access your camera roll by selecting “Allow” when prompted in order
to post to twitter.
Table 7
: If you have multiple Twitter accounts logged in on your smart device, it will
automatically post the snapshot of the TVUPack live video stream to the very first
Twitter account that was added to your phone. When posting a picture from the camera
roll, you will be prompted to choose a Twitter account.
TVU Social Media Manager Service (Optional)
TVU Networks also offers an additional service called the TVU Social Media Manager.
This service allows broadcasters to have access to a cloud based web service that
captures still JPEG images at regular intervals of the incoming live video streams from
multiple TVUPacks in the field. This enables studio operators to select one or more JPEG
images and post them directly to social media with the click of a button. These images
are stored and can be used for future social media posts.
TVU Support will provide you with your TVU Social Media Manger account information,
and you can log into the web service here:
Once logged in, you will see the TVU Social Media Manager interface and your paired
TVUPacks (Figure 31). TVU Support will add your TVUPacks to your TVU Social Media
Manager account. If you would like to add another TVUPack to your account, please
contact TVU Support.