Страница 1: ...Main Engine Assembly...
Страница 2: ...the lower bellhousing mounting t ad d h on ach side of the blo need modifiying Left Position shown Right Position shown Modification 1 is to drill through the tapped hole at the front of the casting...
Страница 3: ...tion pa t i to drill out the pump mounting hol to 8 5mm and th s then need th edges deburring on both the front sid and then on the rear side Main Assembly Engine Main Assembly Number the main bearing...
Страница 4: ...l1iIJ Assembly Start with the one neare t the timing end as shown Once this has b n done the caps need to be removed starting from the front of the block and work ba wards To remove the final cap gent...
Страница 5: ...h main b arings ne d to be deburred and any sharp edges on the baring bOT s need to be removed Modification The edges on the thrust bearing bore need to be chamfered l 5mm x 45 u In order for the fly...
Страница 6: ...wh el timing disc 0 turn the oil gallery f ed n eds relieving Modification Maill Assc1IIblt R lieve th sump mounting flange 0 that th w te transf r pipe clears the flang as hown Main Assembly N xt re...
Страница 7: ...with a rifle bru h to remove any burrs etc Making ure to brush the main oil gallery feed In order to remove any oil or greasy residue place the modified block and bearing caps in the parts washer The...
Страница 8: ...Main Assembly Ma ll Asscl11 J1y Make sure they r fr from any wate or d bri ext apply PI FE tape to the main oil gallery bung fit and torque to 20 ft lb Now mount engine on stand and insert the four cy...
Страница 9: ...e dry and apply loctite TIghten onto the block to a torque of 25ft Ibs in the order shown in the diagram below Le in length Maifl Assembly WORK 90mm f h 5 mm 1 1 I 135mm 168mm 1 J I I I I 50mm I 125mm...
Страница 10: ...Malll Assm bl l Once fitted the h ad tuds should be level as hown in th picture Next fj t the half tiro bearing as well as th idl r pinion Using a oft drift insert the jackshaft front bearing Break th...
Страница 11: ...apping home with a soft mallet until fully eated Ensuring that on the RH bank from the front of the engine the large cutaways are facing towards the rear and on the LH bank they are facing towards the...
Страница 12: ...Main Assembly JP El Cl an the ank no pinion Insert the drive key and eloc pins Mam A5 embly Main Asscmhly Next clean and degrea e the nose pinion bolt and dry then pply loctite studlock...
Страница 13: ...runs true to the crank with dial gauge it should be under 2 thou Fit the crank to the crank balance and draw on a fitting line as hown with marker pen This is used to ensure the crank has not moved w...
Страница 14: ...tion along the web and not sid to side motion acro s the w b Maill Assembly Main Assembly Main Assl mhltj Grind ny metal off the web as required epe t on fine setting 10 until balanced Wash crank and...
Страница 15: ...AS5Cmh l Then blow through with an air gun Invert the block and wipe the bearing jourrials clean Wipe the new bearings with a tissue soaked in spirit wipe making sur they are thoroughly clean Noting...
Страница 16: ...Assembly Main Assembly Mnrn tSSl mhlll then fit to the bloc pu rung horn as hown Fit the re t of the hells rememb ring that No 4 is a thrust hell Lubricate the main bearing with Nulon and lower crank...
Страница 17: ...mbly Check that it rotates freely between finger and thumb Plastigauge one of the main bearings by placing 2 strips on th bearing hell shown Fit the main bearing cap Torque down to 50 ft Ibs DO NOT RO...
Страница 18: ...ly Jpa and check 1 arance with the card This hould be 11 2 2 1 2 thou When ele r nee is O K lubricate each main shell and fit the caps torqu ing to 50 ft lbs cl th crank still rotates fr ly eel thrust...
Страница 19: ...within Ig of each other Check the piston ring gaps by inserting th ring into the bore and measuring with feeler gauge This should be Top Ring 15 thou min 17 thou max 2nd Ring 9 thou min 11 thou max Ne...
Страница 20: ...ip to one ideo xt fit th rings to the istons noting that each i engraved TOP on one ide this ide has to be facing upwards when fitting Select a matched set of con rods wash dry and lubricate the littl...