Pouch Rack
Verify that the packaging method is in accordance with good practice
approach and the packaging materials are in accordance with the
applicable standards (e.g., EN868 series).
At least once per week use a biological spore test (Bacillus
Stearothermophilus) in any load to insure proper sterilization. (
Be aware
testing standards may vary
All instruments
be sterilized in an open position. Place instruments
with ratchets opened and unlocked or clipped on the first ratchet position.
Surfaces that are hidden because the item is in a closed position will not
be exposed to the steam and will not be sterilized.
Disassemble or sufficiently loosen multiple-part instruments prior to
packaging to permit the sterilizing agent to come into contact with all
parts of the instrument.
Make sure that all instruments remain apart during the sterilization
process. Surfaces that are hidden because items are covering other items
will not be exposed to the steam and will not be sterilized.
Items prone to trapping air or moisture, e.g., hollowware, should be tilted
on edge. This will allow a minimal resistance to the removal of air or
condensate during sterilization and drying.
The operator may use racks to allow for adequate separation of packaged
Do not overload the sterilizer trays. Overloading will cause inadequate
sterilization and poor drying. Load trays loosely to capacity. Instruments
should be loaded one level deep only. See table in section 2 for
recommended loading capacities.
Tubing should be rinsed after cleaning. When placed in the tray, make
sure that both ends of the tubing are open and there are no sharp bends or
Empty canisters should be placed upside-down, to prevent accumulation
of water.
Allow a distance of approximately 1” (2.5 cm) between trays or cassettes
to permit steam circulation.
Wrapped instruments should be packed in material which will allow steam
penetration and promote drying, such as autoclave bag, autoclave paper,
or muslin towels.
Do not stack pouches
It is recommended that a Tuttnauer
Pouch Rack
be used. This will allow
the operator to place pouches on their
side, which will increase capacity and