T-238 Assembly Manual
Rev. 1 February 2001
Page 9 of 11
If you haven’t already done so…
[ ] Assemble the 1-Wire™ Weather Sensor using the
instructions that came with the unit.
[ ] Confirm that the Weather Sensor is operational with
the PC software that came with the unit.
[ ] Weather station sensor unit works with PC software
[ ] Remove power from the T238.
[ ] Plug in the supplied telephone cable into J2 and in the
weather sensor unit. A good approach here is to mount
the 1-Wire weather station sensor unit to a bench with a C-
clamp, aligning the aluminum square tube in the same
orientation that it will have when the weather sensor unit is
permanently mounted outside.
[ ] Apply power to the T238. The LCD should display its
opening messages. If the LCD says that the 1-Wire bus is
shorted then most likely the 1-Wire bus has been reversed.
This will not cause any damage, but the unit will not work.
Some telephone cables reverse the wires and some do
not. In addition, some telephone cord couplers reverse the
wires. Find a telephone cable that does not reverse the
Hold the connectors side-by-side and oriented the same
direction (for example, the clip tab down on both
connectors). Observing the red and green wires inside. If,
for example, red is on the left in both connectors, then this
cable does not reverse the signal wires.
When the weather sensor is connected properly, the LCD
will not give any bus error messages. It will complain that it
has no IDs and will ask that your run setup. This is
perfectly normal.
[ ] No bus error messages at all when powering up the
weather station.
You have completed the power-up and initial testing phase!
To learn how to setup and operate your T238 APRS™ 1-
Wire™ Weather Station, please refer to the T238
Operations Manual. It is available on the T-238 web site at
http://www.beals5.com/wx or