Inputs, outputs and clock
6equencer has 8 instrument outputs, a clock and midi input
and a reset (RES) or run-stop (RS) input or midi output.
The instrument outputs gates or trigger with specific lengths
depending on the settings in the config menu (see Config
Menu). They are labelled:
ACcent, BaseDrum, SnareDrum, LowTom
HighTom, CYmbal, OpenHihat and ClosedHihat
They can of course also be used to trigger any instrument or
event (like envelopes, an arpeggiator, or other sequencers).
The ACcent track behaves differently from the rest when
using midi input and output (see Midi). It can also be used to
alter the pulse lengths of other instruments.
6equencer can be clocked using an analogue clock or
trigger or alternatively using a midi clock. The clock source
and midi clock divider can be adjusted in the config menu.
It is also possible to trigger the instruments via midi directly.
The sequencer can reset on the rising edge of a signal in
RESET mode. Alternatively it can be used in RUN-STOP
mode where the sequencer will only play as long as the
signal at the input is high. This socket also doubles as midi
out and can output instrument data to trigger a midi drum
Tubbutec 6equencer user manual – page 9