Easi-Headset Set Up
Your Easi-Headset has a built-in sound card, for the sound card to be
recognised by a computer the default speaker and microphone settings must be
The changes should be automatically applied by the computer when the Easi-
Headset is connected. If this does not happen please follow the simple steps
given below.
Plug in your Easi-Headset using the USB lead provided. The USB drivers will be
installed automatically, and the USB connect sound will be heard – provided the
PC speakers are switched on and set to an audible level.
To adjust the audio properties you need to access the ‘Sounds and Audio
Devices’ in the Control Panel, then select the ‘Audio’ tab, the following pop-up
will appear.
For sound to playback through the
headset the default device must be
set to ‘USB Headphone Set’.
For sound to be recorded through
the headset the default device must
be set to ‘USB Headphone Set’.
Tick this box to ensure the PC
remembers the settings next time
you use the Easi-Headset.