TTL air curtain systems - Control and automation panel UBT
12. Malfunctions
12.1 Fault visualization
nent illuminated the memory is defective. In this case please contact the manufacturer of the air curtain unit by
The databus fault (CAN bus fault) is signalized via a yellow LED below the symbol „CAN bus fault“.
CAN bus faults are caused by interruptions of the bus network. Thes is happens by misconnected ore loose
plugs, defective cable connections (installation demages) or by a difference between the number of internal
connecting boards (PCB) of air curtain units determind by menu and the really recognised number in group
lighting or blinking LED`s at the internal connecting boards.
Lighting: differece between the number of interna connecting boards (PCB) determined by programming
and the number of really connected boards (PCB) of air curtain units
Blinking: CAN bus line fault, short circuit or circuit interruption by wire damage
Check at next all wires and plug connections.
The LED signalizes a service case of the air curtain device. Please follow the instructions shown at the display.
The red LED below the symbol „Frost alert“ signalizes the danger of heating battery freezing then the tempe-
rature near the heating battery falls under +5°C.
These frost alert faulty can only shown in conjunction with a frost alert thermostate implemented by manufac-
turer (optional).
After normalisation of temperature near the heating battery a restart is possible without an aknowledgement
Aut.start after frost
on with the OFF(0) key the air curtain system starts in the preselect operation mode.
Display safe EEPROM
Frost alert
CAN bus failure
Display service advice